Saturday, January 31, 2009
{ 11:57 PM }

: -

: Melt The Snow - Shayne Ward

: -

: so busy running around everywhere

: semi moody (still thinking hard)

: Things to do : lvling my char before the weekend
reached vin's place at 8.20am?jz stepped in the house for less den 10mins,vin's mum ask me whether i'm interested to go hospital to visit his grandma..i say it took us quite awhile to reach there lyk 10.30am?a berii big difference..haha erm dun wish to emphasise on the details.its kinda personal..hahaha.
we stayed around until about 12.30pm?plus minus ten more mins and off we go..we went to eat in the foodcourt and left the hospital..we took 190 back i tink reach at 2+pm..dun really rem the exact time le..after dat we go on out again to ktv with vin..again due to personal reasons no emphasising again..
went home at 8.30 pm after singing for 4hrs..damn shag..reached his home at 9.30pm..ate abit watch abit tv and off i go sleep at 10.20pm so pathetic..being waked up by him at 10.45pm and chased to go off home..-.-
hais my eyes getting sleepier..gotta end tis entry soon..scared i wun remember wad to update tmr again..oky finally i'm done with everything..
=) do sleep early peeps!
Labels: happenings, offday, outings, personal
Friday, January 30, 2009
{ 11:59 PM }

: Vigilante Force 19B - 22A

: No Woman No Cry - Tila Tequila

: no downloads

: mit : 57% of lvl 78 (wooo so fast)

: semi moody (closed in thoughts)
supposingly on leave today went to vin's house..slept abit from 8.30am to 10am..den on to gaming and slept till late from 6.30am to 2pm+ not really sure of the exact time..haaha.
was supposed to go ktv cos i got tis foc 4hrs voucher..ending on 31 jan..but end up din go cos he slept until berii late.but we ended up quarreling(sort of) due to finance..
wad can i say..if ppl who knw him euu shld knw wad happen ba..?!!i'm aldy semi moody and he jz add oil to fire..euu cnt blame me for acting lyk dat.i'm aldy preventing myself from showing my temper..but euu are adding more oil..
after dat he went out for his mahjong dat is about 4pm?i left his home at 10.50pm..i tink..i waited at the bus stop for quite long..about 35mins..the bus 187 really take a long time to reach..a small group of ppl aldy gather up at the bus stop which i usually waited at(nobody will wait with me)..but today its special..haha..oky..end of story..

time for ppl to go slp liao..=)
argh!!!!my phone cam is spoilt!!only can use the front cam which is lousy in mp..felt lyk buying a new phone but...only can buy w/o plan one cos we jz sign up for 1 year contract which give us rebates.i so wanna buy the se phone C905 its the 8megapixel camera..-.- but it cost so much now!damn...$700+ w/o plan with plan its $ exp..hais maybe wait another few more mths..hopefully my phone can last until den..=)
ps:still having hip pains on and off..=(
**edited on 31/1/09 9am**
Labels: happenings, offday
Thursday, January 29, 2009
{ 11:39 PM }

: - rest my eyes

: Mei Li - 神木与瞳(i dunknw the hanyupinyin for the last word Sheng Men Yu Tong?)

: no albums

: mit : 45% of lvl 78 (finally i'm able to access my ms)

: am in ♥ed with retro songs atm

i jz change my desktop pic to february hahaa and its a tvb calendar.. means am so in love with dramas.hahah..i'm jz happy dat i can access my i blog to tell gila le.oky bye..hahah..
ps: infact i forgot wad i wan to blog about!!!-.-Labels: games, randoms
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
{ 11:39 PM }

: Vigilante Force Ep 18B - 19A

: Ai De Dai Jia - Zhang Ai Jia (in love with retro songs atm~)

: no downloads~~

: mit : 41% of lvl 78 (am stuck with a tootpid error)
ii tot ii can play maple when i start playing for about 30mins? the end after endless of incoming house become dead again...visual c++ runtime error pop up..hais..when is tis gonna be solved?

i give up la!
Labels: games
Monday, January 26, 2009
{ 11:32 PM }

: Vigilante Force Ep 16A - 18A

: Lao Zi Shuo - Kenji Wu Ke Qun

: -

: 39% of lvl 78
no pictures to show and recently lazy to give any blog title..hahha..-.-
went on a temple outing today first temple i cnt go in cos i wear sleeveless lyk so pathetic nid to wear the shawl to go in but i din go in cos the colour dun really match wad i wear even though its for jz 10mins i dunwanna..i am dat fussy..hahah..and the security guard felt bad about me standing outside the door..hahah ii said its oky nvm..
after dat we go to my aunt's house (paternal side) for awhile and went to the nursing home to find my grandfather..jz to see him for a few mins and give him some food and sweet stuff lyk root beer and sweets..he has a sweet tooth..=)
and den we went again to 2nd temple near pray abit and eat 齋 bee hoon..haha my parents say must eat full den go home..but i not really full la..jz 1/3 full ba..dun feel lyk eating cos i having a slight headache..not cured of it yet since ytd nite..after dat we go home liao..and i online after dat most of the day..tink the timing is around 3/4pm?..i got enuff angpows is $ much!oky story telling tmr...=) i'm kinda sleepy..hahah..although i slept early ytd..
Labels: happenings, holidays
Sunday, January 25, 2009
{ 12:10 AM }

: -

: Each Time - East 17

: No Albums

: sleepy at the moment
i stay back to wait for vin hong cos he said will work only 2hrs the in the end finished at 3.30pm and he say even lab finish earlier den its a rabbit tortoise racing game..hahah..
after we went to suntec and we took the same bus as happy and anna..anna of cos dropped off at dhoby ghaut station..whereas happy dropped off at the ntuc bus stop i tink not really sure which building but i tink its the bus stop before carlton hotel..hahah..
after dat ii felt lyk eating jap food but the 1st restaurant i went to is closed until 6pm so i go b1 to look around if there's any other jap restaurant and i found one the izakuya..its a jap casual dining restaurant..haha its kinda exp so i tried my best to order the least as possible even my main dish is only $9.80..haha the desserts are yummy..i eat red bean paste with dumpling its a cold dessert..but its too sweet for vin's liking hahah..desserts are better and good looking den sushi if faz euu are reading tis blog euu shld go try it!its at suntec.
after dat we went to carrefour to take a walk around and we happen to see multi say he nid 1 as his home one spoil liao..hahaha...dat multi plug is the cheapest among the rest of them..cos its by carrefour ma.den i found a mp3 charger with usb one it can charge up to 2 usb n 1 mini usb..but kinda exp $22.80 but i tink its worth it..hahha..=P
after dat he say how come there's no 2pin plug..?he is about to go off when i say there it is jz i say yr eyes in yr foot arh?!!hahaha..3 2pin plugs is only selling at 70cents leh...!so cheap?hahah.after i kinda tired so we went to pay the tings..and left for his home..
i reached his home and went to sleep straight i tink the time is about 8.40pm?i slept until 10.30pm seh!!den i jz slack abit and off ii go home liao.hahah..oky end of story~~~tmr or when den update le!
Labels: happenings
Friday, January 23, 2009
{ 11:46 PM }

: - (not in the mood)

: Wo Bi Xiang Xiang Zhong Ai Ni - JS

: The Best Of Sam Lee - Lee Sheng Jie

: mit : 37% of lvl 78 (so slow)
argh...super tired now..guess i give up..!hahah will update later..tmr?hahah..oky..gotta post tis up if not it will be 12am le..
**edit: i should have posted ytd!!! i forgot wad ii suppose to say...!!!!ARGH!!!! =(...i've been so forgetful tis few days...
Labels: randoms
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
{ 8:33 PM }

the before pic...

the after pic..heh added an adjustment..but i tink the after effect is quite nice..hahha..
Labels: pictures
{ 7:51 PM }

: not watching~

: Ai Wo Qing Shut Up - Rainie Yang

: Jane Zhang - Music / Fish Leong - Fall In Love And Songs / Danson Tang - D Gravity

: mit : 23% of lvl 78
back to training my mit i guess..been having constant pains of my hip in the late afternoon ii wonder if its becos i kip stand up n sit down too many times le?i dunknw seriously hurts alot jz now..dat i can only sit down n stay put dun go anywhr..mayb dat yy ii din go immediately to eat the new year goodies when buay noi n linda lim told us to go eat..ii went at 5mins before 5pm..pain until i cnt stand up.=(
i hope we can get our pay before 23rd jan..cos i nid to pay alot of bills n stuff...argh!pray n pray n wish n wish..o.O...hahah maybe i might post another pic of my photoshop tutorial?:D we'll see ba whether i will be so hardworking anot?ahahha..okok gotta play my mit le..:) have a nice day enjoying the pre cny days..!
Labels: randoms, sick
Friday, January 16, 2009
{ 9:36 PM }

this picture is before i did ...

this picture is after i did something..any difference?
does it glow?!!
heheh jz wanna show everyone tis is my first photoshopped picture which i jz created.heheh...yay!!its real nice too..hahha
Labels: pictures
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
{ 11:48 PM }

: Vigilante Force - Ep 13A (halfway thru)

: Cha Jian Er Guo - Li Sheng Jie

: Adobe Photoshop CS 3 Extended

: mit : 6% of lvl 78
yes!i jz downloaded adobe photoshop cs3 from tmr onwards i shall spend only half an hour's time to train my mit..half an hour's time for everything and mayb 1 hour time to learn how to use my photoshop will be a good choice to do dat!yes..ii am so sure ii tink maybe ii can get ahold of how to use the future to come..:)
Labels: miscellaneous